Our mission is to set up an institutional home for our people’s humanitarian endeavour so that, whenever disaster strikes in any form (be it man made or natural, war or persecution, flight or displacement, disease or want), we shall be prepared to respond, to provide relief, and to facilitate rehabilitation. In this way we would like to see to it we intervene in good time to heal the wounds of our nation that is constantly in resistance.
It is therefore our mission to mobilize, harness, and deploy the humanitarian energy of the nation in such a way that we are always prepared to “be there, to say “JIRRA,’for the less fortunate ones among us: the martyrs (and/or their survivors), the wounded, the persecuted (the accused seeking justice and the victim of legal-political justice seeking mercy), the fleeing, the displaced, the refugee, the migrant, and the starved, the sick, and generally the less endowed and/or the less privileged. It is to ensure that we have a system in place for addressing the humanitarian needs of our people.
The most important value that anchors our activities is that of Oromo self-support and economic self-reliance as an aspect of the imperative of self-emancipation. Other values that underpin our work include solidarity with our compatriots, and the common humanity we all share regardless of region, religion, or faction.
Our vision is to see that we, as a nation, shall neither be surprised nor intimidated in the face of recurring humanitarian challenges.It is our vision that none of our needy ones will be left unattended to while we can.
We believe in Sincerity; in the alignment of the inner-self with our actions and the need to fulfil our obligations to our people.
We strive to attain the highest standards and believe in effective teamwork, innovation and professionalism when delivering our services.
​We believe in the equal value of every human being and the importance of respecting and honoring each individual; regardless of his race, creed, origin or gender.
​We believe in integrity and accountability when conducting all our temporary and permanent projects. Corruption, conflict of interests and fraud are not tolerated. Wherever we operate, we commit to comply with applicable laws and regulations.
We believe that our duty of custodianship and that the trust that people place in us requires transparency with each other, donors, partners and the people we serve. We are responsible stewards of the funds entrusted to us, and strive to eliminate unnecessary expenses.
​We promote volunteering as we believe in altruism and selfless actions. By promoting volunteering, especially within the youth, we participate in building communities that care for the most vulnerable, and who find their happiness working for the well-being of others.